Aluminium Door Repairs

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Aluminium Door Repairs, Door Closers, locks and hinging problems.

Aluminium Door Repairs, any door, any time. All of our aluminium Doors repairs are carried out by fully trained engineers, most aluminium door repairs can be undertaken within 1 hour of arriving on site, Mane can have an engineer repairing your door on the same day of you enquiring about your problem. Our prices are very competitive and we can usually diagnose the problem either by email or phone call and give you a price for the repair there and then, so no hidden charges. It is vital that you have your aluminium door repairs carried out as soon as possible as a faulty door can lead to further damage to the door or the door hardware and with health and safety regulations a faulty aluminium door can cause injury. Aluminium doors can last for a lifetime if they are looked after and repaired as soon as there is a fault. 2 Year guarantee on all parts changed on aluminium door repairs.


Aluminium door repairs quotes and prices.

Our prices stay the same no matter where you are so why not give us a call or email and we will be glad to give you a price for any aluminium door repairs. Mane carry out carry out aluminium door repairs nationwide, Free quotations given on all door repairs.


Common Faults with aluminium doors that need repair.

  • Faulty aluminium door closers - This will cause your aluminium door to slam shut or not close properly.
  • Faulty bottom pivot - This will cause your aluminium door to catch on the floor.
  • Faulty drive arm - This connects your aluminium door to the closer and can cause your door to not close properly.
  • Faulty Locks - Mane can change any lock because of a fault or lost keys.
  • Glass repairs on aluminium door - Mane can change any piece of glass on a aluminium door.
  • Floor Springs - This will again make your aluminium door slam shut or catch on the floor.

If your aluminium door has started to come apart or split Mane can repair this with brackets or by tying the doors together with a threaded bar going through your aluminium shop front doors this is what we do with all our newly manufactured doors to prevent the doors from ever coming apart at the joints. If you have any of the above faults with your aluminium door Mane can repair, all of our repairs come with a 2 year guarantee on any parts changed.

If you require a price for any aluminium door repairs please call us on 0161 320 9322 or email us and we will be able to give you a price there and then.



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